In questo articolo affrontiamo tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sulle abbreviazioni inglesi, per aiutarti a riconoscerle, comprenderle e utilizzarle al meglio ed elenchiamo le abbreviazioni più diffuse. Perché è importante conoscere le abbreviazioni inglesi Le abbreviazioni rappresentano una parte fondamentale della lingua inglese e sono ampiamente diffuse e adottate in vari contesti, formali …
What is Machine Translation? Machine Translation is when a computer program (software or website) automatically processes a text, translating it from one language to another without human involvement. The most widely known and accessible machine translation tool is, of course, Google Translate. However, in this article we’ll take a look at other professional software that …
How we work and how our clients benefit People We entrust our translations exclusively to professional linguists who are both specialised in the client’s field and native speakers of the language they are translating into. This means that your documents will be handled by people who fully understand the subject matter and will translate …
A conference with attendees from across the globe, an interview with someone who doesn’t speak your language or a business meeting arranged to negotiate a trade deal with an international collaborator. These are typical examples of when getting an interpreter is the best choice to ensure effective dialogue that properly conveys the message and avoids …
I “Christmas idioms” sono popolari espressioni della lingua e cultura anglosassone ispirate al Natale. Si tratta di modi di dire legati alle tradizioni britanniche, dalla cucina alla letteratura e ai canti popolari. Abbiamo selezionato i più curiosi individuandone l’origine e possibili espressioni equivalenti in italiano. Christmas comes but once in a year Certamente una …
A recent survey conducted by Preply, an American company specialised in foreign language learning, revealed that 70% of 18–25-year-olds and 53% of those aged 25-41 mostly watch online video content with subtitles turned on. A growing trend not only in the US, but also among younger generations across Europe. The underlying reasons are linked not …
Sworn translation, what is it? A sworn translation is an official document used to verify that the translation is accurate and faithful to the original text. That means it’s an additional service on top of simply translating a document. Also known as asseveration, it’s referred to as sworn translation because the translator assumes liability for …
When you see the word ‘localisation’, the first thing that comes to mind is probably your smartphone settings. However, in linguistics, when we’re talking about localisation what we really mean is the set of processes required to culturally adapt written content to its target market. What is this adaptation used for? Many products and services …
Why go to a professional translator? Or, more to the point, why go to a professional translator when you’ve got machine translation, that cousin of yours who lives abroad or an employee who speaks one language or another? It’s not that you’d mind having family members on the clock, or even employees cramming English or …
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